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griddap Subset tabledap Make A Graph wms files Title Summary FGDC ISO 19115 Info Background Info RSS Email Institution Dataset ID Physical, chemical, and biological data collected from Seaglider SG640 during SG640 SO-CHIC Maud Rise Deployment 2022 deployed on 2022-01-10 This dataset contains the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and backscatter profiles from a Seaglider (SG640), which was deployed at the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern part of the Weddell Sea from the 10th of January 2022, to the 7th of April 2022.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndepth (m)\ntime (date in seconds for every sample point, interpolated, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nS (corrected salinity, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, PSU)\nT (corrected in-situ temperature, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, degree_C)\nspeed (forward speed of the glider through the water from the flight model, meters/second)\ndissolved_oxygen (Dissolved oxygen recalculated from phase with salinity and pressure corrections interpolated over gaps < 50.0m [micromoles/kg], PSU)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (total volume blue scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (total volume red scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (chlorophyll-a concentration using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor based on phytoplankton monoculture interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, micrograms/liter)\nN_time (number of observations in the bin)\nN_S (number of observations in the bin)\nN_T (number of observations in the bin)\nN_disssolved_oxygen (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nS_ref (low-pass filtered salinity, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, PSU)\nS_rms_ref (rms of salinity within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, PSU)\nT_ref (low-pass filtered temperature, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, degree_C)\nT_rms_ref (rms of temperature within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean [deg C], degree_C)\ndissolved_oxygen_ref (low-pass filtered dissolved_oxygen, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, micromoles/kg)\ndissolved_oxygen_rms_ref (rms of dissolved_oxygen within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, micromoles/kg)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\n... (26 more variables)\n (external link) SO-CHIC SOCHIC_2022_SG640 Physical, chemical, and biological data collected from Seaglider SG675 during SG675 SeaTrial SO-CHIC deployed on 2022-01-23 This dataset contains the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and backscatter profiles from a Seaglider (SG675), which was deployed at the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern part of the Weddell Sea from the 23rd of January 2022, to the 18th of June 2022\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (date in seconds for every sample point, interpolated, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nS (corrected salinity, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, PSU)\nT (corrected in-situ temperature, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, degree_C)\nspeed (forward speed of the glider through the water from the flight model, meters/second)\ndissolved_oxygen (Dissolved oxygen recalculated from phase with salinity and pressure corrections interpolated over gaps < 50.0m [micromoles/kg], PSU)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (total volume blue scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (total volume red scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (chlorophyll-a concentration using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor based on phytoplankton monoculture interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, micrograms/liter)\nN_time (number of observations in the bin)\nN_S (number of observations in the bin)\nN_T (number of observations in the bin)\nN_disssolved_oxygen (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nS_ref (low-pass filtered salinity, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, PSU)\nS_rms_ref (rms of salinity within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, PSU)\nT_ref (low-pass filtered temperature, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, degree_C)\nT_rms_ref (rms of temperature within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean [deg C], degree_C)\ndissolved_oxygen_ref (low-pass filtered dissolved_oxygen, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, micromoles/kg)\ndissolved_oxygen_rms_ref (rms of dissolved_oxygen within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, micromoles/kg)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\n... (26 more variables)\n (external link) SO-CHIC SOCHIC_2022_SG675 Upper Ocean Thermal Data collected on the high density line IX28 (Dumont d Urville-Hobart) using XBT (expendable bathythermographs) DEPTH_CH14 and TEMP_CH14 contain depth and temperature corrected values following Cheng et al, 2014 corrections, using tables updated on June 28, 2017. Temperature data from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere (TOGA)/World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) transect IX28 across the SOuthern Ocean has been collected since 1992 and are ongoing. The transect is repeated approximately 6 times a year, with profiles obtained approximately every 10-50 Km. The data are obtained from XBTs (expendable bathythermographs) deployed by the French Antarctic resupply vessel Astrolabe, and are managed by the French Polar Institute (IPEV) and the Joint Australian Facility for Ocean Observing Systems (JAFOOS), a collaborative venture between Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Marine Research and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre (BMRC).\n\ncdm_data_type = Profile\nVARIABLES:\nprofileid\ndepth (m)\nDEPTH_quality_control (quality flags for depth)\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nTIME_quality_control (quality flags for time)\nlatitude (degrees_north)\nLATITUDE_quality_control (quality flags for latitude, degrees_north)\nlongitude (degrees_east)\nLONGITUDE_quality_control (quality flags for longitude, degrees_east)\nTEMP (Sea Water Temperature, degree_C)\nTEMP_quality_control (quality flag for sea_water_temperature)\nDEPTH_CH14 (depth_corrected_with_CH14_scheme, m)\nDEPTH_CH14_quality_control (quality flag for DEPTH_CH14)\nTEMP_CH14 (temp_corrected_with_CH14_scheme, degree_C)\nTEMP_CH14_quality_control (quality flag for TEMP_CH14)\n (external link) SOOP XBT SURVOSTRAL

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