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griddap | Subset | tabledap | Make A Graph | wms | files | Title | Summary | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Info | Background Info | RSS | Institution | Dataset ID | |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | | | | Physical, chemical, and biological data collected from Seaglider SG640 during SG640 SO-CHIC Maud Rise Deployment 2022 deployed on 2022-01-10 | This dataset contains the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and backscatter profiles from a Seaglider (SG640), which was deployed at the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern part of the Weddell Sea from the 10th of January 2022, to the 7th of April 2022.\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ndepth (m)\ntime (date in seconds for every sample point, interpolated, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nS (corrected salinity, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, PSU)\nT (corrected in-situ temperature, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, degree_C)\nspeed (forward speed of the glider through the water from the flight model, meters/second)\ndissolved_oxygen (Dissolved oxygen recalculated from phase with salinity and pressure corrections interpolated over gaps < 50.0m [micromoles/kg], PSU)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (total volume blue scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (total volume red scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (chlorophyll-a concentration using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor based on phytoplankton monoculture interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, micrograms/liter)\nN_time (number of observations in the bin)\nN_S (number of observations in the bin)\nN_T (number of observations in the bin)\nN_disssolved_oxygen (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nS_ref (low-pass filtered salinity, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, PSU)\nS_rms_ref (rms of salinity within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, PSU)\nT_ref (low-pass filtered temperature, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, degree_C)\nT_rms_ref (rms of temperature within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean [deg C], degree_C)\ndissolved_oxygen_ref (low-pass filtered dissolved_oxygen, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, micromoles/kg)\ndissolved_oxygen_rms_ref (rms of dissolved_oxygen within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, micromoles/kg)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\n... (26 more variables)\n | | | | | | | SO-CHIC | SOCHIC_2022_SG640 | || | | | | Physical, chemical, and biological data collected from Seaglider SG675 during SG675 SeaTrial SO-CHIC deployed on 2022-01-23 | This dataset contains the temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and backscatter profiles from a Seaglider (SG675), which was deployed at the Maud Rise seamount in the eastern part of the Weddell Sea from the 23rd of January 2022, to the 18th of June 2022\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (date in seconds for every sample point, interpolated, seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\nS (corrected salinity, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, PSU)\nT (corrected in-situ temperature, with outliers removed, interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, degree_C)\nspeed (forward speed of the glider through the water from the flight model, meters/second)\ndissolved_oxygen (Dissolved oxygen recalculated from phase with salinity and pressure corrections interpolated over gaps < 50.0m [micromoles/kg], PSU)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (total volume blue scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (total volume red scattering coefficient using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (chlorophyll-a concentration using manufacturer-supplied dark counts and scaling factor based on phytoplankton monoculture interpolated over gaps < 50.0m, micrograms/liter)\nN_time (number of observations in the bin)\nN_S (number of observations in the bin)\nN_T (number of observations in the bin)\nN_disssolved_oxygen (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nN_wlbb2fl_sig695nm_adjusted (number of observations in the bin)\nS_ref (low-pass filtered salinity, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, PSU)\nS_rms_ref (rms of salinity within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, PSU)\nT_ref (low-pass filtered temperature, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, degree_C)\nT_rms_ref (rms of temperature within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean [deg C], degree_C)\ndissolved_oxygen_ref (low-pass filtered dissolved_oxygen, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, micromoles/kg)\ndissolved_oxygen_rms_ref (rms of dissolved_oxygen within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, micromoles/kg)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig470nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_ref (low-pass filtered wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted, 3.0 days and 10.0 m, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\nwlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted_rms_ref (rms of wlbb2fl_sig700nm_adjusted within smoothing window (high-freq variance). Despiker removes data more than 3.0 deviations for mean, meter^-1 steradian^-1)\n... (26 more variables)\n | | | | | | | SO-CHIC | SOCHIC_2022_SG675 | || | | | | SOCHIC-SOSCEx_STORM2_Glider_Data/WG_and_timeseries_nicholson_etal_2021 | SOCHIC-SOSCEx_STORM2_Glider_Data/WG_and_timeseries_nicholson_etal_2021\n\ncdm_data_type = Other\nVARIABLES:\ntime (seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z)\npCO2sea_uatm (P CO2sea Uatm)\npCO2atm_uatm (P CO2atm Uatm)\nwind_speed_WG_ms (Wind Speed)\nwind_speed_JRA_ms (Wind Speed)\nSea_level_pressure_JRA_mb\nCO2_flux_WG_molm2day1\nAbs_salinity_daily_WG_gkg (Sea Water Practical Salinity, PSU)\nsst_daily_WG_degC (Sst Daily WG Deg C)\nDIC_WG_umolkg\nmld003_slocum_m\nxld_slocum_m\nustar_ms\neps_z_obs_m2s3\neps_z_theory_m2s3\nPCO2_DIC_muatm\nPCO2_SST_muatm\nPCO2_DIC_anom_muatm\nWind_stress_nm2\nWind_dir_deg (Wind From Direction)\nDensity\nTotal_Alkalinity_mumolkg\nDissolved_Inorganic_Carbon_mumolkg\nDIC_TA_r\nTemperature_degC (Temperature Deg C)\nWind_Speed_JRA (Wind Speed)\nWind_Dir_JRA (Wind From Direction)\n | | | | | University of Gothenburg | SOCHIC_SOSCEx_STORM2_Glider_Data_WG_and_timeseries_nicholson_etal_2021 | |||| | | | | SOCHIC_SO_Saildrone_NRT_data_2022 | This dataset contains atmospheric and oceanic observations of wind speed, air and sea temperature, relative humidity, short and longwave radiation, pCO2, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, salinity, and currents. The Saildrone was deployed in the Agulhas retroflection area in the Cape Cauldron from the 24th of August 2022 to the 22nd of November 2022.\n\ncdm_data_type = Trajectory\nVARIABLES:\nSOG (Speed over ground, m s-1)\nSOG_FILTERED_MEAN (Speed over ground one minute mean, m s-1)\nSOG_FILTERED_STDDEV (Speed over ground one minute stddev, m s-1)\nSOG_FILTERED_MAX (Speed over ground one minute max, m s-1)\nSOG_FILTERED_MIN (Speed over ground one minute min, m s-1)\nCOG (Course over ground, degree)\nCOG_FILTERED_MEAN (Course over ground one minute mean, degree)\nCOG_FILTERED_STDDEV (Course over ground one minute stddev, degree)\nHDG (Vehicle heading, degree)\nHDG_FILTERED_MEAN (Vehicle heading one minute mean, degree)\nHDG_FILTERED_STDDEV (Vehicle heading one minute stddev, degree)\nROLL_FILTERED_MEAN (Vehicle roll one minute mean, degree)\nROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV (Vehicle roll one minute stddev, degree)\nROLL_FILTERED_PEAK (Vehicle roll one minute peak, degree)\nPITCH_FILTERED_MEAN (Vehicle pitch one minute mean, degree)\nPITCH_FILTERED_STDDEV (Vehicle pitch one minute stddev, degree)\nPITCH_FILTERED_PEAK (Vehicle pitch one minute peak, degree)\nHDG_WING (Wing heading, degree)\nWING_HDG_FILTERED_MEAN (Wing heading one minute mean, degree)\nWING_HDG_FILTERED_STDDEV (Wing heading one minute stddev, degree)\nWING_ROLL_FILTERED_MEAN (Wing roll one minute mean, degree)\nWING_ROLL_FILTERED_STDDEV (Wing roll one minute stddev, degree)\nWING_ROLL_FILTERED_PEAK (Wing roll one minute peak, degree)\nWING_PITCH_FILTERED_MEAN (Wing pitch one minute mean, degree)\n... (84 more variables)\n | | | | | | | SO-CHIC | SOCHIC_2022_SD_1067_NRT |